Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I've recently come across a great Youtube vlog by MelinaPendulum (subscribe to her now! I'll wait). She speaks about organization and what you can do to keep yourself moving when writing. I'm a complete ignoramus when it comes to organization. Usually, I use loose leaf paper to write in school and a journal to write at home, and type everything up on the computer. It's not very efficient, I'll tell you that. I often lose the paper because I use them as bookmarks and my journal is not very convenient. However, I was never really concerned about this because I was only writing poetry.

Now I'm writing a serious novel, and I should also get serious about organization. Melina gives many great tips on the video, but I'll tell you a few I've used. I got myself a binder. Nothing much, just a three ringed one that I used to have for school. I filled it with dividers and labelled them as "plot", "characters", "scenes", etc. I also put in loose leaf so I can write down some important stuff.

I also have a notepad, which I bring to school. It's nothing much, just a little Steno Book that I can write musings in. I also have note cards to keep myself on top of things. I write little scenes down and dialogue. It's helped me A LOT. I actually find myself wanting to write more because I actually know where everything is, instead of hunting down folded papers and entries in a journal.

This system is awesome for young writers, like myself. No more loose leaf!

Check it out:

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